Change Your Thoughts

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." ~Anais Nin

What if you were able to let go of putting meaning into everything that comes your way. What if you decided right now to accept that life just is. What an incredible awakening when you realize you have control over your thoughts.

Marcus Aurelius wrote this beautiful line in Meditations: “The mind is the ruler of the soul.” Become aware of the dialogue in your mind. Are those thoughts positive? Are they kind to your soul? Be in charge of yourself. When your past begins to tell you a story learn to let it go and only take the lesson you learn from it. When fear and worry begin to talk, focus on what is in your control and then let go of the rest. When anger takes over, focus on your breath and then lead from your heart.

You get to choose how you think and act every day. When you create new habits of thought you essentially rewire your brain. In science this is called neuroplasticity. You can change the course of your thoughts.