What is Yoga?

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“The poses bring a feeling of well-being that stays with you. They do so through a balance of effort and relaxation; and through endless forms of balanced meditation.” ~ Master Patanjali

I believe that yoga is a way of living. Similar to Stoicism, yoga is a way to approach life through a different lens. It extends far beyond the postures to an awareness of why you are here. The teachings of yoga are a practical, step-by-step methodology that bring understanding to your experience and also guide you to the next experience. Like a compass, yoga philosophy tells you where you are and how to navigate to the next chapter.

The first and most important book ever written about yoga is The Yoga Sutras. It was composed by the Indian Master Patanjali about two thousand years ago. Many incredible ideas of how to lead your best life are shared in this book.  In addition, yoga philosophy stems from the Yamas and Niyamas. They are guidelines to live a life of joy and purpose. I will weave many of these ideas into the Daily JAM.

As I often end my yoga class with, “Let the yoga not be just what you do, but who you are.”