“I can do nothing for you but work on myself…you can do nothing for me but work on yourself!” ~ Ram Das
It’s so important to know yourself. It may seem like a paradox but the most self-less thing you can do is to be selfish. Selfish in understanding who you really are. When you understand your true self, you will see the true self of others.
Self-mastery of your actions and self-realization of your being will guide you to enlightenment.
Remember that your true self is your soul and we all are the same because of this. It is the same in every thing not just every being. That is why nature offers such peace and connection.
The work that we have to do is on ourselves to strip away the layers to let our soul lead us for the greater good of all. It is an illusion to think you are separate from others. We are all woven into one tapestry. Your job is to be grounded to the earth and be a contribution.
When you identify with your soul your actions will come from this effortless, peaceful place. St. Catherine of Genoa said, “And the state of this soul is then a feeling of such utter peace and tranquility that it seems to her that her heart, and her bodily being, all both within and without, is immersed in an ocean of utmost peace.”