Learn to respond

"The soul is like a bowl of water, and our impressions are like the ray of light falling upon the water. When the water is troubled, it appears that the light itself is moved too, but it isn't. So when a person loses their composure it isn't their skills and virtues that are troubled, but the spirit in which they exist, and when the spirit calms so do those things." ~Epictetus, Discourses, 3.3.20-22

We have emotions. They are part of our chemical make-up. Think back to the last time you truly got scared by something. Maybe you almost got in a car accident, maybe you lost your child for a moment in a store. That is real fear. Your body sends hormones through your body to react. But after that initial period in time, you have the choice of how you will respond. Do you notice the change in my word? It went from react to respond.

In every situation in life you have the opportunity to choose. Isn’t that amazing? What does it take to flip fear to rational thinking? What does  it take to flip anger to patience? What does it take to flip worry to surrender? It takes awareness. Pause, come back to this moment, be the observer of your thoughts and then respond in a thoughtful, compassionate way.

It will take practice, a lifetime of practice, but every time you pause you create space for more kindness and love in your life.